NYFOA Encourages forest land owners to identify their individual objectives, to use natural resource professionals in developing management plans with practices to help achieve those objectives, and to support owners in their implementation activities;
NYFOA Promotes the public understanding of the benefits derived through sound forest stewardship, including cleaner water, improved wildlife habitat, continued recreation opportunities, and the wood products essential to meet society's every day needs;
NYFOA Supports economically sound use of privately owned forest lands through studies and education to allow enjoyment of forest benefits today without compromising the ability of future generations to also meet their needs;
NYFOA Provides resources and information to the public to increase their understanding of the concepts and importance of sound principles of forest management; and
NYFOA Fosters communication and cooperation with other organizations and agencies with similar purposes and among and between all participants in the forest product cycle, such as landowners; harvesters; saw mills and processors; pulp mills and manufacturers; wildlife, recreation and other natural resource interests; industrial, commercial and domestic consumers; and others.